Final Reflection

What a whirlwind of a semester! 

Looking over my posts this semester…
It certainly brings back a lot of memories. I felt like each assignment was a mini adventure, and that I was improving my entrepreneurship skills with each one. However, when I struggled, I knew it was going to be okay. My lack of expertise just made a course project hard, but I did not experience a real-life failure. Plus, I knew I would get my lovely completion points right away once I finished pushing through. In this way, I felt like each assignment was great practice for a actually-implemented venture.

I would say some of the interview assignments were the most difficult, as I did not always receive information I wanted. On the other hand, forming my venture concept and product ideas were some of my favorite parts because I got to be creative and make my ideas come to life.

Notable experiences…
Most formative: Definitely reading reflection #2 – I read How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big, and one piece of advice really stuck with me. That is, to maximize your personal energy, not the number of tasks you can get done. I have been trying to do this ever since.

Most joyous: What’s your secret sauce? Hearing what others thought made me stand out was so special, and it made me feel really good about myself 😊 It inspired me to stay optimistic and keep working hard while reminding me others see my strengths and believe in me.

The one I am most proud of: Assignment 7 – This was the one where we had to pick a concept to work on for the rest of the semester. Man, that stressed me out! I wanted by2) What sticks out to you as the most formative experience? The experience that you'll remember years later? What was your most joyous experience? What experience are you most proud of yourself for accomplishing?

Am I an entrepreneur?
I think I have developed more of an entrepreneurial mindset since the beginning of the course! I notice a lot more ways to improve existing situations than I did before, and I am more attracted toward innovation. I have done my best to transfer the skills I have learned to my internship and to my side “business” of cutting floor music for other gymnasts.

Biggest Recommendation
To students journeying down this path in the future, I have one big piece of advice: chose a venture concept that excites you. It will make the process easier and a lot more worthwhile feeling! To do this, really take your interests and experiences in mind when fostering ideas in the beginning of the course.


  1. Hi Leah!

    I agree with you on your advice of choosing a venture concept that excites you. I wonder how that dog poop idea turned out for one of the students, or if they changed their venture lol! I have enjoyed learning from this class. Most of all, I have enjoyed being able to work ahead and having the flexibility that my husband has with all his classes (a different school). I wish all our classes were like that. I learned a lot from Dr. Pryor's lectures. I feel like he really covered a ton of business aspects and it was almost like he brought everything together that I learned pieces of in other classes. Here's my blog if interested:

    Good luck on your future classes & your food blog :)


    Elizabeth Fullwood

  2. Leah, after following the majority of your posts I must first say I really appreciate the fact you have worked ahead, as I have done so as well and it is good to see someone else who has not only worked quickly, but has put 100% into each and every post, so good job! I agree, choosing the right venture is CRITICAL in this course because if you aren't interested, your posts won't capture the readers attention. Hope you have a great rest of the semester,


  3. Hey Leah,
    I loved reading your final reflection. Since you also complete the assignments ahead of time like I do, I have replied to many of your posts, and I can also say that you have grown throughout the course which is awesome! It is really cool how you are going to transfer some of these skills over to gymnastics as well. I am still so impressed by your skills on the bars!

  4. Leah,

    You had some great commentary on the highlights of your semester. It's great that your second read stuck with you! I also read that book and very much valued the perspective of a financial individual who emphasized the importance of personal care and pursuing hobbies beyond work, or, in other words, always have something that energizes you. I have seen your idea grow throughout the semester, and think it has great potential. Your elevator pitches were well-crafted, professional, and convincing. Go make your business great, good luck!

  5. Leah,

    I definitely agree with you that this semester was quite a whirlwind! As all assignments you completed this with great organization and great reflections. I can really appreciate that one of the readings for the reading reflections really stuck with you. I think it is important to keep looking for things in the world that stick with you and motivate you. I too feel that this course allowed for a lot of growth in terms of an entrepreneurial mindset and I hope that you are able to apply this to other areas of your life like gymnastics! I think you have great ideas and definitely the dedication it takes to carry out ideas successfully. So, I wish you the best of luck! Keep coming up with new ideas because you really have the potential to be a great entrepreneur!

  6. Hey Leah,

    I can definitely agree with you that this semester has been sort of like a roller coaster and that we have had a bunch of ups and downs. I didn't write it in my own blog, but after reading yours I would agree that a big piece of advice for the next class is to choose something you are passionate about so that it would be fun and that you will actually try and earn these business experiences. Having some sort of connection and passion for my own company helped me get through this semester with ease.


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