Bug List

Below, you will find a 20 item list of my biggest pet peeves and possible ways to combat them.  Believe it or not, it was quite difficult to come up with 20 things that bother me.  The first few were easy (as they are things that drive me crazy on a regular basis), but it took a couple days of paying attention to minor annoyances to come up with the rest!  This could be due to the fact that I try to have a positive, grateful attitude and avoid "sweating the small stuff."  However, I now realize that acknowledging things that bug me could be a spectacular entrepreneurship opportunity that would make the world a less annoying, better place.

1: The smacking, saliva swooshing sound of eating food
Many people chew with their mouth open
A gadget that detects the noise and makes a beeping sound to warn the eater
2: Driving around looking for parking spaces
Areas can get busy!
An app that connects to your car (so you’re not using your phone while driving) and searches for all available parking spaces in a specific radius
3: Many reusable water bottles (especially ones you can squirt water into your mouth) have exposed mouthpieces. 
The cap is designed in a way to make it convenient to drink out of, but it is unsanitary during travel.
A water bottle cover that can easily attach to the cap.
4: Serving utensils at buffets are full of germs
Many people do not wash their hands before getting food
Serving utensils with sanitizing/decontaminating handles
5: People driving with road rage and getting away with it
Lots of people drive aggressively, but it is difficult to “catch” them
Cars equipped with cameras… button to automatically send a photo of the license plate and a video of the poor driving behavior
6: Shower curtains that do not stay in place while you are showering
Gravity, air flow, or the shape of the shower rod make them slide
Hooks that suction to the shower wall AND hooks that attach to the shower curtain (magnetic?) or shower liners with holes
7:  Burning your mouth on too hot food
It can be difficult to gauge the temperature of food without trying it
A wand you wave above your food that will tell you how hot it is/if it’s in a good range
8: Airport tray tables, seats, and window handles are unsanitary
Airplanes rarely get a thorough cleaning
Provide disinfectant wipes at the front of the plane, so they are available for passengers to use
9: Waiting several hours for a freshly baked cheesecake to chill before you eat it (or other foods that need to cool before you can enjoy them)
Newton’s law of cooling
An “Instafreeze” machine (basically a reverse microwave) that will cool food quickly
10: Hair getting stuck in hairbrushes
Hair can fall out of your head and get stuck in the bristles
A special brush with retracting bristles to get the hair out easily
11: Not knowing if an incoming call is a robo call or just someone you don’t know
There are lots of automatic, annoying calls out there
An app that will give you information about incoming calls
12: Spider webs, especially indoors
Spiders weave pretty fast
A special handheld vacuum for reaching corners and sucking up spiderwebs
13: Lingering fart smells
Our bodies create some bad aromas
Something (spray, perhaps?) to neutralize the odor without smelling like anything else
14: Sink smells
Food can get stuck under the drain cover and rot
A dispenser that emits neutralizing compounds
15: When you yell at an artificial intelligence thing (ex: Siri) and it sounds all calm and robotic back
They only have one tone of voice
Tone of voice matching for artificial intelligence machines
16: Cars that are going way below the speed limit in front of you
Some people drive slowly, and it is not always legal or safe to pass them
A jet pack function that would allow you to hop over the car in front of you (think Nanny McFee style)
17: When store associates keep coming up to you at a store, but you don’t want assistance
It is good customer service to ask if anyone needs help, but it is not always
Pins/stickers available at the front of stores that say “No help needed” or something of the like
18: People talking during a movie
People like to chit chat!
A stop talking button communication system between movie theater seats
19: Timers going off when you can’t get to them
Sometimes you may be in the middle of something and unable to turn it off
A voice activated “stop timer” option.
20:  When you JUST miss a green light
Luck in traffic runs out
An automated function in your car that reminds you to stay calm, and that you won’t be there much later


  1. This is an extremely thorough list Leah and I like how you even included a section where people can see how those problems can be fixed. This section may help people in the future who have this same sort of problem or maybe entrepreneurs trying to exploit one of these problems that may be common with very many people and not just you.

  2. Hi Leah! I'm Cara, a fellow group member! I really enjoyed your bug list, you mentioned a lot of bugs that I completely forgot about! People talking during a movie is one of my biggest bugs that I forgot. Waiting several hours to wait for a cheesecake to set seems like a bittersweet bug! I have never made cheesecake so I've never thought about how irritating that would be! I overall enjoyed your bug list and they were super relatable and well-thought!

  3. Hey Leah, I was really interested in your list given your reflection where you stated you tend to let the small things go because positive energy is a really important facet of my everyday life. I like the fix column because it already shows that you are adjusting your perspective to look at things for an entrepreneur's perspective out of the gate. Numbers 2,5, and 18 really stuck out to personally because living in a college town and being exposed to so much traffic you brought up pet peeves that I really never noticed till you listed them. For 18, I too find it so annoying when it happens because it can really suck the fun out of a movie, I once again appreciated the way you added in the fix column because they provide potential real world solutions which is what being an entrepreneur is all about.

  4. Hi Leah,

    I liked the way you used a table to format the information as well as adding a "Fix" category to the assignment. The first one about the smacking sound people make when they eat was the most relatable to me. Did you know that's actually such a common "bug" to people that its referred to as a form of Misophonia. As a whole, the rest of your list was not very relatable to me, however your "fix" category allowed for me to understand how they could be common bugs.

  5. Hi Leah,

    Your post was very different from the others I have seen. I like that you also thought of ways to combat the thing that bug you. All of your fixes were very creative and they were things that I would not have thought I needed otherwise, which I believe is the point of this assignment. I especially liked your parking app idea. I think we are getting some new technology to make parking more efficient like the lights and signs at the garages at Disney Springs. However, that doesn't work for parking lots that are not enclosed. I think your app, or something like it, could be very helpful and especially efficient.

  6. Hey Leah,
    The first thing I want to say is you completely organized your post into a format that I haven't seen before but I like very much. You've organized this assignment into a way that you not only include the bug and why is bugs you but a solution to that very bug from each and every bug on the list. I really like some of the solutions that you've come up with for your bugs because I really think they can work.


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