Elevator Pitch 1


  1. Your elevator pitch is great that it's right at 90 seconds. I really like this idea as most delivery services and fast food isn't the most healthy. It seems like you really know what your market is and that's really good. I would say it would have been best to not have stood behind something like the countertop but it does tie into what your pitch is about. I hope you go through with your idea as I would definitely be a customer!

  2. Hi Leah,
    I really liked your elevator pitch! Your high energy and engaging tone kept me paying attention the full 90 seconds. Your idea is very interesting and I would definitely be a potential customer. I really liked how you included the cost logistics in your pitch since saving money is very important to a lot of people. Overall, I think you did a great job with your pitch.

  3. Hey Leah,

    This was a very strong Elevator pitch and you were so professional and smooth when talking about your product. Even if I was not interested in your product at all, you enthusiasm for your product might just get me to buy it. You did your research and had enough facts to justify why people should get your product.

  4. Hello Leah,
    Great job on your elevator pitch! The way you presented your idea was great with so much energy. I really liked how you provided information on how much money you plan on gaining from this product following with how you will use your connections to get your product out there. I also liked the slogan you added at the end, it was a nice finishing touch.

  5. Hey Leah, I really enjoyed your elevator pitch! I think that its a great idea and very applicable to a lot of people today! The information you included in your elevator pitch would be very attractive to potential investors!


  6. Hi Leah,

    I think you did a great job with the timing of your elevator pitch. I also really enjoyed your elevator pitch in terms of content and delivery. By including some good information in your pitch, you were really able to make it more attractive and more tangible for the audience. It shows that you put a lot of hard work, time, and research into developing your elevator pitch. Great work.


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