Halfway Reflection

1) Tenaciousness is a competency. So far, this course has helped me develop tenacity.  In order to keep up with the requirements of Principles of Entrepreneurship, I have emphasized quality and quantity at the same time.  Because working ahead is possible, there is an urge to get the assignments done as quickly as possible.  However, putting in significant effort is necessary to get the most out of every exercise and dive deep into the process of starting a business.  Planning ahead, but not rushing, has definitely helped me do this.

2) Tenaciousness is also about attitude. I’m not one who usually wants to give up.  However, I have certainly questioned if my efforts are worth it.  For example, I was having a really hard time thinking of business ideas that, one, would actually help people, and, two, I actually would be able to implement.  In order to pull through, I took a step back to look at the bigger picture, revitalized my mind by doing things I enjoy, and spoke to others about my frustration.  Later, I had a fresh attitude and Talk about a moment or two when you felt like "giving up." What pulled you through? Do you feel like you've developed a tenacious attitude during the past two months? What experience or experiences most contributed to this?

3) Three tips.
1) Enjoy each experience and assignment.  It can be tempting to just “power through,” but you will get so much more out of the course if you really take the time to appreciate what you are learning and accomplishing.
2) Use your strengths to your advantage!  Hone-in on your best skills to do your best work, and focus on things you are interested in.  This will keep you motivated and make having a tenacious mindset so much easier.
3) Dive in headfirst and enjoy the ride!


  1. Hi Leah, I completely agree with your point about working ahead. It is very nice that we are able to work ahead of the class. This basically allows us to plan ahead, for example, I had a test for macroeconomics but because I was able to do quite a bit of the work ahead I could focus more on studying rather than splitting my time for both classes. I also agree with your point about enjoying the class, although it is tempting to rush through everything, it is much more enjoyable taking advantage of what you can learn in this class.

  2. Leah
    I love your tips! They are fun and light! I think you're right enjoying the process is definitely a great tip. Its something that I tell my 13yr old everyday, In life we are always consumed with he pressures of school, family, social life, work, the further etc.. but losing back at being 13 I wish I would just enjoy the process and not worry about any of that. I also love the one with using your strengths if we focus more on our strengths to achieve our struggles then maybe it wouldn't be so hard. Thanks loved your post.

  3. Hey Leah! I especially enjoyed this post! I think it points out major essential points to be made while taking this kind of course. I really agree that with this course you totally get out of it what you put in! Lastly, the pun in the last line was hilarious.

  4. Hey Leah,

    I'd strongly agree with you with your first point where you said that this course has helped you developed tenacity because this course is at your own pace and it can help you get ahead and as a result of that your drive and motivation goes up as you complete more and more assignments before the deadline and allows you for time for your other classes and obligations.

  5. Hi Leah,

    I enjoyed reading your tips and can definitely see the evidence of your hard work and tenacity through all of your posts. I have really admired the quality of content and ideas that you have presented in this class, so I would trust your advice on how to go about this class in the most successful way if I were a future student. I also agree that this class, because it allows for your own pace, does add a certain need for this kind of tenacity and responsibility. I also talked about staying ahead of your work and I think that doing so really helps.


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