Idea Napkin 1

1) Who am I? Aspects that relate to my business concept
    Talents, passions, experience, and ambitions...
·       Gymnast – prior experience in elite athletics, now a student athlete on the UF Gymnastics team
·       Vegetarian who is passionate about eating healthy and helping others make good food choices as well
·       Media manager for aha Pure Foods – a Gainesville start-up soup company dedicated to spread the message
·       I’m energetic and always ready for a challenge
·       I strive to make the world a happier, healthier place
If I started this business, I would be able to combine several of my passions – namely athletics and eating healthy – to help others, which I find great satisfaction in doing.

2) What are you offering to customers? I am offering a meal delivery service to help athletes get the fuel they need, so they can focus more on training.

3) Who are you offering it to? All of my customers would be highly active individuals, whether student-athletes, cross-fit junkies, or people who spent many hours per week in the gym.   They have busy lifestyles and strive to be fit, healthy individuals.  I imagine most of my customers would fall between the ages of 18 and 45.  There are people like this all around the world, but I would first focus my efforts on local customers.

4) Why do they care?  With my solution, athletes can fuel their bodies with wholesome foods that enhance their performance, all without spending time planning, acquiring, and preparing foods.  My solution is a great time and energy saver that will help athletes reach their goals.

5) What are your core competencies?  Currently, there are no other meal delivery services geared toward athletes.  The greater balance of complex carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats to enhance performance and recovery sets my business apart.  Other companies do not offer such benefits.   In addition, I will offer pre-prepped lunches and wholesome snacks as part of meal packages.  This is new to the meal delivery business.

In all honesty, I believe the elements of my business concept fit together very well.  My personal skills and experience harmonize perfectly with what I want to accomplish in this business.  As a student-athlete myself, I understand the motivations many of my customers share.  Thus, I have attempted to align my solution to what my customers care about.  Of course, I will continue to analyze my potential consumers’ lifestyle and demographics.  Lastly, I have found an unoccupied market niche to focus my efforts!


  1. Hi Leah, really enjoyed reading your blog post. I really like your idea of bring meals to athletes. Although I never really have to worry about making food for myself, I do see a problem with your business. There are many food delivery services like Grubhub, DoorDash, and Uber Eats. But I do feel since you're able to specialize when it comes to the food options it'll set you apart from the big food delivery services.

  2. Hey Leah, that's school cool your on the gymnastics team! It's one of my favorite sports to watch. I am also a vegetarian! I really like your service and would definitely see myself being one of your customers. Although I am not an athlete I do go to the gym daily and it's really hard to get food that fit with my macros. I also think it would be a good idea for delivery as I'm always left with the two choices of bolay or vale and am never able to have that delivered.

  3. Hey Leah,

    I'm very happy you chose something to help student athletes because meals are one of the most missed things due to not having enough time to cook so athletes have to settle for a snack that will barely get you through practice or a game. I also believe that there is a big market for a good like this.

  4. Hi Leah,

    I thought this post was very well detailed. You have some really interesting talents! Especially, gymnastics. I thought you did a great job of detailing the meal prepping and delivery service you would be providing as well. I am interested to know how you chose your market. It may be worth considering marketing to people who have the desire to be healthy, but may not be athletes. Overall, great post!

  5. Hey Leah, this post was very entertaining to read! I also think it's super cool you're vegetarian and to learn more about you! It makes me feel like I almost know you. I think the snacks aspect is a great marketing tool for your company. There is definitely a market segment with unsatisfied needs that your idea definitely targets.

  6. Hi Leah! I felt that your post was very well thought out. It's definitely nice to see some vegetarian initiatives as that's something I personally empathize with, being unable to eat meat a lot of the time. As someone who tries to work out often, I can see how your initiative could definitely benefit athletes who have a need to eat, and for who a lot of the time, can find themselves lacking options that either cater to their diets or provide a portion size adequate for one attempting to train themselves for a sport. I do feel however, that your initiative might struggle when contending against already established delivery services such as Blue Apron, and looking into finding ways that distinguish your brand from others might be the key to success, with one good example of this possibly being your focus on catering to athletes. I feel as if you've done an excellent job cornering a market with a need to be satisfied. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Hi Leah, I really like your idea and think that you did a great job of presenting it well. I feel that because you are so passionate about eating healthy, this passion will carry over into your business idea and this can take you far. I think authentic passion always intrigues people and this will make people more eager to invest in your idea. I think you definitely have a large target market for this idea, especially here at UF, as there are plenty athletes here struggling with the balance between having time to make healthy meals and going to practice and doing school work. I think your business concept could be really successful.


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