Identifying Local Opportunities

Articles retrieved from the Ann Arbor News
Local newspaper in my hometown (Michigan)

Summary:  A local software company received money to employ new technology that would alert cars when pedestrians are not paying attention.  It will be implemented in downtown Ann Arbor, where gobs of people can be found walking across the street, especially within the University of Michigan campus.
The problem: Pedestrains are getting hit by distracted drivers.  Note:  this article describes a solution to the problem in Ann Arbor, but the problem exists in many, many places, including Gainesville!
Who has the problem?  Drivers and pedestrians in busy areas

Summary:  The article discusses how people often see news stories on social media, and they assume what is stated (or shown) is true.  People often get outraged about issues before any real evidence is revealed.  It’s the job of news organizations to pick up these stories and dissect them to expose the true facts.  The article discusses an example about pollution, where the environmental impact was strongly exaggerated over Facebook.
The problem:  Lots of news stories get “out-of-hand” over social media, often before objective facts are put into the discussion
Who has the problem?  Anyone getting news from social media

Summary:  The article focuses on the story of Mohamed Soumah, an immigrant from Guinea who ignored his deportation order.  Suffering from kidney disease, he is now hiding out in a Michigan church.  His reasoning? So he doesn’t have to return to his country that lacks the healthcare he needs to stay alive.
The problem:  Many undeveloped countries do not have quality healthcare
Who has the problem?  Anyone living in nations without quality healthcare, or specifically in this article, immigrants forced to go back to those places.

When students long for a homecoming - Student Academic challenges for kids without housing or shelter are most daunting

Summary:  The article discusses the issue of how homelessness can negatively impact students, and how many students struggle with schoolwork largely due to a lower socioeconomic status.
The problem:  There are not enough resources to support homeless or financially unstable students through their schooling in many communities.
Who has the problem?  Students in financially unstable families

The real cost of cutting the (cable) cord

Summary:  The article discusses how many people are not using cable TV anymore, due to the large number of unnecessary channels.  Then, the article dives into the the other streaming options, which are increasing in number and price.  For many people, the overall cost adds up to more than cable to get all the channels/shows/movies they want.
The problem:  There are so many streaming options out there, but they each have different things to offer.  It can be costly to get all the shows you want.
Who has the problem?  Television and movie watchers.


  1. Hey Leah! After reading your well put together blog post, I am fascinated with all of the articles you have found! Most importantly, the second article because I have seen how true it is with my own eyes. Headlines are attention grabbers and often exaggerate or fabricate to get the readers attention however no one actually reads the facts! So interesting.

  2. Hey Leah,

    I am surprised you were able to find so many interesting articles from your hometown, I tried searching my hometown and was shocked to see how boring the articles were and maybe this is due to most of our local sports teams sucking but I feel like something interesting should happen. What I did realize with all these articles is that many areas have similar problems with laws and personal problems.

  3. Hey Leah,
    I thought you did a great job finding all the articles you did . Your hometown has so many interesting stories that you found whereas the articles that I'm finding about my own hometown are no where near as interesting. It is crazy to hear about all these stories because it just reminds me just how much is going on that we don't know about.


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