Elevator Pitch 2

I am so glad I decided to post my first elevator pitch for the entire class to see, as I got some great feedback during the lecture as well as on my blog!  Despite the fact I thought it was quite cringeworthy, I received lots of positive comments from peers and Dr. Pryor: my performance was dynamic and seemed practiced, I used signposting (problem and solution) well, and the 90 second length was perfect.  As for things to improve on, Dr. Pryor suggested I mention the geographic location where I plan to sell in, harness more of my personal experience, and turn the camera away from a distracting sign.  Pretty much all of the feedback I received was quite insightful, and it made me feel good about my elevator pitch and how I could make it better.
What did I change this time?
To strengthen my elevator pitch, I carefully made sure the background was clear, stated where I would begin selling, and added a tidbit on my food blogging experience.  To keep it right at 90 seconds (that sweet spot), I shortened my feedback inquiry sentence.


  1. Hi Leah, your elevator pitch was great! Your timing and energy were perfect. Although I thought your original elevator pitch was near perfect, this one is definitely better than the original. I did not think the sign was a problem but without it in this elevator pitch the only thing people can really focus on is you giving your pitch. Overall it is a great pitch and keep up the work!

  2. Hi Leah,

    Great pitch! Like last time you showed awesome enthusiasm for your service. As far as constructive criticism, the only thing I can think of is maybe actually showing an example of a plate that your service would offer. It would give the viewer more of an understanding of what they would be ordering. That's all I can really think of to give ya!


    Elizabeth Fullwood

  3. Leah,

    I agree with the above posts that one of your strongest suits is your enthusiasm or your business idea. It seems as though you internalized all of the feedback provided by Dr. Pryor and the class and incorporated improvements into your elevator pitch. You clearly stated the geographic market within which you will operate and you noted your athletic/blogging connections that will allow you to succeed with your business idea. Great work!

  4. Hey Leah! I think your elevator pitch was awesome. I think that you displayed clear talent in your elevator pitch. I think this is an awesome idea and I loved seeing the progress form your first elevator pitch to this one now!

  5. Hey Leah,

    I believed your first elevator pitch was strong and informative and with the adjustments you made based off of the reviews and comments you got just made it much stronger and much more clear for the viewer to see and understand exactly what your product is all about.

  6. Hi Leah,

    I think that the changes you made to your elevator pitch were great. I can admit the sign from your first one was a bit distracting, but I didn't see it for the first 10 seconds. I was able to better focus on what you were saying because it wasn't in this one. I still think that your pitch was dynamic. Great job!


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