Venture Concept 1

The Opportunity

Athletes often need to eat healthy, balanced meals to maximize performance. However, many athletes are unable to prepare wholesome meals on a regular basis due to challenges associated with busy schedules and demanding training regimens.

The problem is particularly prominent for collegiate student-athletes and young professionals who do not prioritize grocery shopping, meal prepping, and spending time in the kitchen. Frozen meals, ordering take-out, or simply eating snacks in place of meals are common ways student-athletes (and people in general) satisfy their hunger. However, these alternatives are neither desirable or sustainable, as they do not provide adequate nutritional value to fuel and recover from intense workouts.

In addition, there are several meal delivery services on the market, but none of these services are geared directly toward busy athletes. Many require adequate cooking knowledge, take a significant amount of preparation time, and do not provide the nutritional value athletes need. This creates an unoccupied market niche.

The market for wholesome, quick to prepare meals exists across the United States, but it is concentrated near universities and cities (with a high concentration of physically active individuals). The window for opportunity will remain open until someone provides a viable solution.


My solution, a meal delivery service, will provide balanced, quick to prepare meals to customers. Dinners will be delivered in weekly packages with options to include grab-and-go lunches and healthy snacks. A variety of plans will be offered on a subscription basis. Customers will manage their plan and choose meal options online, then the food will be delivered to their doorstep once a week.

Every meal will be specifically formulated to include plenty of complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and protein for optimal performance and recovery. They will be approved by a performance dietician for nutritional composition. In addition, portion sizes and ratios will be customized based on every athletes specific needs and goals (lean, maintain, gain, etc).

Assuming the average meal costs $5.50 to make and deliver, we will sell for $8.  That adds up to only $32 per week for 4 healthy dinners for the customer and a 45% profit margin for the company.

Venture Concept. 

My innovation, a customizable meal delivery service for physically active individuals will take the effort out of eating healthy. This makes it a very desirable option, as customers can be confident they will have something good to eat and allowing them to focus more on training and being successful in life.

Customers would see this as a great option because it would be an immense time and energy saver. Convenience is the name of the game these days, and when you couple convenience with quality you have a real winner. Athletes would be eating healthy without even thinking about it!

An effective promotions strategy would be used to prompt customers to consider my service. Athletes already using a meal delivery service would consider switching to mine for a few main reasons.

·       The benefits of having balanced meals formulated specifically to fuel workouts. Popular meal delivery services, such as Hello Fresh, Home Chef, and Blue Apron, do not live up to the nutritional caliber athletes ultimately should have, and they rank lower on the healthfulness scale.
·       Options to include healthy snacks and grab-and-go lunches, which creates extra value
·       Lower prices. Hello Fresh, for example, is priced between $9 and $10 per person per meal. At approximately $8 per meal, the cost savings would add up for my service.

·       Switching costs would be very low, so there is no barrier to changing services.

Special recyclable packaging would also offer augmented benefits for my products, as they would be delivered promptly in packaging with motivational phrases on it.  This differentiates my service in a simple way and prompts customer delight. Exceptional customer service, driven by the desire to help other athletes, would also set my service apart.
To start, I would simply start cooking and delivering meals in the Gainesville area by hand. As my venture grows, I would need to hire kitchen help, a distributor, organizational executives, and eventually a marketing team.

Minor Stuff Worth Mentioning

It will be very difficult for competitors to copy my success because of my “unfair advantage:” being a student-athlete at a division 1 school myself. Personal experience, my fellow Gators’ experiences, and constant contact with prototypical consumers will allow me to understand my market very well and tailor my business to fit my customer’s needs. It also gives me access to a variety of resources and an expansive social network revolving around athletic excellence.

What’s next? Once I find success with my meal delivery service, I will work on creating a community of inspiration for the athletes in my customer base. Besides weekly meals, I will work on creating value for them in new ways to further help them become better athletes. Perhaps this will involve partnerships with other firms.

Within the next five years, I want to create a huge buzz in the athletic world, and I want most serious athletes to recognize my brand.  My vision is to help athletes achieve their goals through delicious and nutritious food, and this first venture will allow me to do so.


  1. Hi Leah, I really enjoyed reading your blog post. One particular thing I liked about it was the hook you used. You basically stated a general fact that all athletes need balanced meals in order to be performing at their best and how one particular block has a problem obtaining balanced meals, which are college student athletes. Overall I liked the way you presented your business, how clear and concise it was, but at the same time so detailed.

  2. Hi Leah!

    You did a great job summing everything up. I think it's great that you actually computed your profit margin. I didn't think about doing that in my blog. I love that you are so enthusiastic about athletes. I can't imagine how busy they are with school and training. I think it would be extremely beneficial for them to be able to order your food, like you said, and not have to worry about what they are putting in their bodies. If interested, here is my blog post:


    Elizabeth Fullwood

  3. Hi Leah.

    You did a great job venturing further on your marketing concept. You really elaborated on the health benefit it would be to have a delivery service for athletes wanting to eat healthier, but are unable to prepare healthier meals. You really dived into what the plan is and what you are incorporating in your plan. Great job!


  4. Hi Leah,
    I really enjoyed reading your post and I think your idea is great. I loved how you planned out the logistics of the price to make the product, and how much you would sell it for. Determining the profit margin is essential for a business! I also thought your plans for the future were great as well to make sure the business stays a success.

  5. Leah,

    This venture concept is great. Not only it well-written and clearly organized, but the pictures (specifically the picture of the line of small meal containers filled to the brim with healthy food) illustrate your points well. If there is one thing I am concerned about with your concept, it is simply your volume capabilities as you are starting up. If you offer various meal plans (presumably with varied food choices) and are responsible for distributing the meals, that seems like a significant amount of logistics for a small startup. But, this is a great concept and I'm sure you can transcend those hurtles!

  6. Hey Leah,

    I'm extremely impressed with this blog post because it includes such a good layout with really good pictures that really appeals to people. I think with how professional you make everything look, it wouldn't even matter what your product is, people would just be impressed with how the blog looks that they would buy your product.


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